Helena Kauffman

As publicist to professionals, arts groups, commercial enterprises in all industries and to events, Helena loves the rush that comes with parachuting into a new project. That thrilling leap into the landing zone requires rapid orientation skill to learn how an organization operates, generates income and promotes their product, people or services.
Her clients are equipped to take their next lucrative leap to gain market share, increase exposure and meet modern media with her versatile smart market outreach and multiple award winning copy-writing.
That jet pack of savvy skills also uses super chargers like blogs, content marketing, social media, press kits, killer sales copy and product or event promotion to create success. Each component is crafted so that the right message is sent in the right medium to reach the most desirable market for each client.
Helena’s experience will spot your special story. She’ll help you harness the time tested and proven power of story and enable it to work its magic to connect you to your market, to distinguish you from any competition and make you memorable in a noisy and crowded marketplace.
It can work for you, no matter what size your concern just as it did for the community which hired Helena to help them raise $28 million in a capital fundraising campaign. The client met their target for funds and got international recognition and awards for the panoply of marketing materials she crafted. Helena got the satisfaction of a solution with a happy ending.
Connect now to explore how your story can express more success for you.